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Telford Cultural Ambitions Roadshow: help us shape a new cultural strategy for Telford and Wrekin

Telford Cultural Ambitions Roadshow: help us shape a new cultural strategy for Telford and Wrekin

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From our museums and galleries to our artists and performers to our theatre groups and dance classes, culture helps to make Telford and Wrekin the place it is. It contributes to our economy, our wellbeing and our sense of identity. So as the borough continues to develop in the next decade, what role do we want culture to play? We’re about to start developing a new culture strategy and we want it to begin with the people who are creating and curating Telford and Wrekin’s cultural offer today.

What are these workshops for?
These workshops are an opportunity to root our new strategy in the ideas, experiences and ambitions of people currently involved in arts, heritage and creativity across the borough. We want to understand what impacts you think culture is having today and how we could grow those impacts in the future, generating more social and economic benefits for more of our residents. 

Who should attend?
If you work in the arts, heritage and culture – whether public, private or third sector – we would like you to come along. We also want to cast our net wider and invite people in roles which can support or enable residents’ access to cultural experiences. That could include staff at town councils, community centres and parks who organise or host cultural events and activities; people working in services for children, older adults or minoritised groups; or people who run community-led organisations which provide classes, projects or social activities with an arts, heritage or creative element.

What will the workshops be like?
Each workshop will last three hours and will take place at an accessible venue. They will be led by an experienced, independent facilitator who will guide participants through a programme of presentations, activities and discussions. These will be engaging, creative sessions that give participants a chance to share their ideas and aspirations. They will also provide an opportunity to meet others involved in arts, heritage and culture around the borough.

Please note there are more dates for this event:  1pm - 4pm Thursday 23 May - Belmont Community Hall, New Street,  Wellington and 6pm to 9pm Tuesday 4 June at Telford Minster

  • Thu 6 Jun 10:00 AM

Venue Levy

Where applicable, advertised ticket prices are inclusive of a venue levy, retained by the venue to maintain our programme of arts and entertainment.

Book Tickets

  • Thu 6 June 10:00 AM

This workshop is free to attend but please book in advance.

The workshop will also run at Belmont Community Hall in Wellington from 1pm to 4pm on Thursday 23 May, and at Telford Minster from 6pm to 9pm on Tuesday 4 June.

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